Monday, August 31, 2009


我对马华没兴趣,我只知道卫生部长是支人民的粮。在这h1n1的高危时期,他竟忙着马华党务!如他不能胜任部长的任务,请下台。如要辩驳,请公开上星期到 今天的部长工作时间表。这时间表不是马华党务,我们纳税人有权力被告知我们的公仆在干些甚麽。卫生部长是为全民服务,不是为政党打拚。


  1. 大众的利益不比自己的利益重要。廖大叔心里想 - 如果自己的江山没有了,还谈什么服务人民,H1N1又管我什么事呢?所以他就大摇大摆,正大光明的去搞党争了。

  2. 这是我看过最废的回应。

    Blogger 咚咚 说...




    2009年9月1日 下午7:00
    Blogger 小明 说...

    Blogger 小明 说...


    2009年9月1日 下午7:55

  3. Hi! I've read your articles for some time. I created my 1st blog recently and wrote my 1st article.

    You are welcome to leave any comment.

  4. I am sure those have conscience will agree to sack Liow Tiong Lai, the worst health minister! I wrote to him to complaint about dengue, he dare not to reply. second complaint to him directly, he ordered his staff to reply nonsense.

    he created the most number of death for H1N1 and Dengue. Just simply he does not value everyone's life. Liow, could you please step down or to be thrown by next coming general election?

  5. I agree with you in toto bh88tan and the views of most of the respondents here.

    Datuk Chua is a lawyer, I don't think he really knows much about medical stuff, but he was an excellent Minister of Health, simple reason: he worked with his heart. As most lawyers are very meticulous, he had this as an additon to his work as a Minister of Health. If you were to find out from the medical staff and patients who frequent hospitals often, you will know that he was name the second best.

    Besides his sex scandal, Dr. Chua with his superb knowledge in medicine and experience in administrative work, he was named the BEST Minister of Health thus far by most medical staff and patients who frequent hospitals often. He was very particular in medical and administrative work in hospitals and according to most medical staff in government hospitals or departments, any project or work given had to be accomplished within the time frame given or even in a shorter period. They had to work on toes as he would have not only regular but unscheduled or rampant spot checks personally! Now, if your superior has a superb know-how and very meticulous in work and carries out spot check at any time, what would you do? But I think it's not easy to have such kind of minister any more, sigh!

    The rest? Needless to say. Now, I want to iterate that there are 3 categories of Corruption being defined in the Anti-Corruption Acts:
    1. Corruption of Money / Monetary Gain - receiving rewards or anything similar or letting family members or close relatives having monetary gains in approving projects or giving preferences etc.
    2. Corruption of Power - Abusing the power by giving projects or giving preferences to any one having relations or allowing the facilities or premises to be used for personal or any close relation's personal interest, remoting or expelling subordinates for personal gain / interest, promoting subordinates based on personal judgement or aiming to gain support etc etc
    3. Corruption of Time - late to work, leave working place early, use the official time for personal interest, not related to core work etc.

    There are also GOs as working ethics to be obeyed by all civil servants and cabinet members! Under certain crucial moments, civil servant and cabinet members are 24 hours on call. They don't have private time then, please bear in this mind!!!!! If we were to analyse properly, not necessary in details, we will find that so many of them are practically indulged only in party activities merely for their personal interest, sigh! Please do not argue with me that there are many others (in other polital parties) who do that. If you were to say such thing, then it's better you bite back the dog when a dog bites you!!!! What we need from the party is only a simple request, but NOT difficult to follow: be free from corruptions (any form) and refrain from indulging in personal or party activities which do not bring benefit to malaysians especially during this alarming stage with 71 fatal case, please, Minsiter of Health, 71 precious lives!!!!!

  6. ... continued from previous ...

    I agree with the blogger's views and most other people: How often has he frequent hospitals and do the spot checks? Does he know that the medical staff are working under great tensions? How many hospitals has he visited? Does he know that even some GH in a state is frequently facing the problem of shortage of medicine and patients have to go back every month or even a shorter period to take the same medicine which can be given for a period of 2 or 3 months since their next appointment would be half a year later? Does he know that even in GH, some times other substitutes were given because of lack of stock or that type of medicine prescribed by the GH doctor is not available? (I experince all these many times! I saw personally with my eyes very old patients were told by pharmacist in a very low and sorrow voice: come please come back next week to gain the medicine again / please give me your contact number. When the stock is available, I will call you, sorry yea.) How often he gives advices and moral support to the front liners agaisnt A (H1N1)? Does he know the differences in the work ethics of the private hospitals in Singapore compared to those private hospitals in Malaysia? Does he know the ways and working hours of the Ministers of Health in other countries? So much so that they have no time for personal or own party matters! Please abstain using government facilities by pretending to have a function agaisnt A (H1N1) in a few minutes but the major time is for party issues solely aiming to support some one. This is abuse of time (3rd category of corruption) and power (2nd category).

    Our hearts are bleeding, we need to have a Minister of Health who only indulges in work and care for the health of the populace in Malaysia, please. Ask you secretaries to read up all the GOs and summarise to you. We believe your road is still very long and your path is still not at the end, you can do much better than at present!

  7. Kg Folk,
    H1N1 is H1N1, nothing to do with Health Minister.
    Nobody in the world can stop H1N1 inclusive Singapore, Do you think Dr Chua can do?
    Is that what you mean during DrChua time, there is no problem in Hospital ?
    No douubt , Dr Chua is hardworking servants,but he is not a politician.
    Why MCA need him?
    Only Hospital is suitable for him !
    Aiya....i forgot to tell you ...Lim Liong Sik need him ...

  8. 大哥您大人有大量放过他吧。现在国阵的部长有那位不是有甜头才出现的?你还叫他吭猪头骨,他不闪人这才怪。

  9. T.C.T,
    You are such a person without sense.
    LTL is a Minister of Health for our beloved nation Malaysia, he is not a Minister of Health for MCA. Are you trying to say that LTL is a good politician and Dr. Chua is a bad politician and so Dr. Chua is only fit to be in the hospital? OMG, this is what you think? I, and no one, ever put the blame about the happening of A(H1N1) on him, but I was saying that he has not, so far, perform the duty well as a Minister of Health, compared to Ministers of health in other countries. You dare to mention Singapore? Yes, A(H1N1) is a universal problem, but do you know how the Minister of Health in Singapore work? I frequent Singapore very often as my children are working there, I really know twhat type of staff the ministers there are, Mr. T.C.T.! Do you think Mr. Lee KY will let the ministers rest and arguing in the publis without taking care of the image of the government? No, he will NEVER allow such thing to happen? Have you heard of a famous saying by Mr. Lee KY after his formal stepping down as a PM? he said: 'If the next generations of PMs don't perform well, I will jump out from my coffin!'

    Mr. T.C.T., please read my comments above properly and answer, or ask his political secretary who knows English well to answer, as you seem not to understand my questions put forth to him, all my questions one by one. We want a Minister of Health to be with the people and stand side by side with medical staff in the front line often, not with the MCA politicians every where. Please don't abuse the hours as a minister!

    Forget to tell you, my kampong people are all MCA members, my late father was one of the founders to start the MCA branch in our Kampong, and I am too an ordinary MCA member. Our kampong folks are all like me, we don't know and will NEVER kowtow to people abusing the powers. Subsequently, people like us can't be compared with you and the 'powderful' people of the present MCA members and some of the so called 'shooters' employed by your boss. Answer my question: is it true that they get abt RM 2000 per month for writing non-sense? Please bear in mind, many silent MCA members especially the kampong folks have conscience!!!!! I refer you to the blog and see the real things yourself.
    ... to continue ...

  10. ... continued ...

    Mr Eric Tan,
    Actually I don't have the intention to use your blog as a 'battle' field against T.C.T. whom I believe is either LTL or OTK's man, but it was just another incident which really made me inflammed and furious this afternoon. I went to a state General Hospital (please bear in mind, it's state GH) to take regular medicine. I was given only one month's dosage. I demand for 3 or 4 months dosage as my next appointment is in December. A lady from the dispensary department spoke very softly, in a sorrow voice, and kept asking for apology when I demanded as there was not enough stock! She told me that she understood that would cause a lot of inconveniences to me and many other patients as those medicine normally could be given as much as a period of 3 to 4 month's dosage since they would not get spoilt, but the main reason is 'NO STOCK'!!! Looking at her with a weeping face as other patients were demanding for the stock, I had to console her and tried to hide my anger and agony! Please bear in mind, NOT ENOUGH STOCK, Mr. T.C.T. , NOT ENOUGH STOCK in a state GH, what more about other smaller hopsitals in the state? How would you feel when you are in the hospital and face the problems such as no stock, given substitutes for the medicine prescribed by the doctor? What would you do then? Oh, I am so sorry, one of my friends has just reminded me, you MCA top liners are very rich, you will NEVER enter government hospitals. All of you will only frequent private hospitals, where you and boss will ever bother about us? Where you will ever bother the pharmacists in the dispensary departments in the hospitals become the shields to face 'bullets' from some of patients who are literate and educated fighting for the justice? You seem not to know anything about what I mention earlier the GOs which government all civil servants and cabinet members. If you still were to argue that your boss is a politician only, then ask them to quit from the ministers' and deputy ministers' posts to become sole politicians without holding any cabinet posts since they fail to be ministers and deputy ministers for the nation and for all the ethnic groups in our beloved country Malaysia!!!!! Mr, T.C.T. and other bloggers, please be rational, party matters are totally different from national and civil matters. Please don't get things mixed up. It is needless to argue about this issue any more, the more you try to 'protect' him, the more weak points you are exposing about the leaders!
