在开除老蔡的那一天(八月26号),魏家祥也有份出席会长理事会并集体決定開除老蔡,在这篇报道已清楚说明http://www.sinchew-i.com/sciWWW/node/112054?tid=383, 除非是总会长在说谎。在八月29号的报道里http://www.sinchew-i.com/node/112524?tid=394,魏家祥也強調,馬華三機構一向來都力挺總會長拿督斯里翁詩傑。在今天(九月三号),他竟有另一番说词!http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/112086 在五天前才強調力挺總會長,今天竟又变中立了?有哪一位不知道蔡派搞特大的最大目的就是推翻会长理事会的決定。你身为马青最高领导和会长理事会成员在这一刻表明中立?那前天的那位力挺總會長和集体決定開除老蔡的魏家祥是跟今天的魏家祥是同一人吗?
8 years ago
Please give him some face, he needs to 'survive', he is still young, maybe he has realised he made a mistake? At least he is far better than the person who couldn't be bother with 73 fatal cases and another person who was ousted by Rakyat but went through back door! Haha.
ReplyDelete我能中立,林吉祥,安华,街上的阿婆能中立。马青要如何中立?我并没讲你去逼任何人,而是,你是有份开除兼领导人之一。老蔡特大就是要反你们的开除decision, 你要如何中立?这一刻,你只能廷自己,还要让会员看到你们的团队精神,这才像样。如有一天,你开除了一名马青团员(另两机构也一样在你的会议上赞成),过后,另两机构也一定要廷你,如他们想你一样的表明中立,你会如何?马青一定得顶老总,团员如何投,就不在你的控制了,你也做了功课。
Bro, Datuk Wee intention was NOT to split the party la, but to reunited the party. Tell me what will u do? Ignore the presidential council meeting? keep avoiding the press? Don't say anything?
ReplyDeleteIf u have a better idea on this to prevent the party to split, please do so by writing it out in ur blog. If u are in Datuk Wee shoes, will u be like a 盲从? Only support the president, regardless on the matter(Hanya sokong president tanpa mengira apa President cakap)?
MCA Youth / Central representative will choose or make the right decision in the EGM. After the result come out, then we discuss this issue again. Thnaks.
敬请留意,今晚 - 5-9-2009(星期六),傍晚6:30 - 7:00, 在ntv7 (Astro 107频道) 《追踪档案》播出武吉公满山埃采金事件。敬请收看!您用少少的时间和一点点的爱心将给于武吉公满居民无限的支持和关怀。
bro,if mca youth does not support the decision, then dont said 馬華三機構一向來都力挺總會長拿督斯里翁詩傑.The member sure can make their own decision, but as a leader, u need to have guts to stand your own decision, why sudden change from 力挺to中立 ? if you want 中立, then first place you should stand on it and not change it in the mid way. If this round Ong win, he will change from 中立 to力挺 again? if Chua win, then he can deny he ever support Ong? this is political tricks, not united the party. IF in his mind party unity is the priority agenda, he should not support the idea of sacking Chua out from party at the first place, dont tell me that he does not know the many party member will oppose it.....
ReplyDeleteSacking Him is the only choice as he is still thinking of the president post. No doubt that NO one is perfect. Even Ong, he is still not a good leader. But Chua is just too much. He wanna go on to rock the MCA. I think Chua should step down for the party good will.No doubt that Chua can do work, but his private life may lead to ppl personally attack him by saying MCA leader morally not good.
ReplyDeleteDo u think of not sacking him by retaining his membership(But sack his high post), will the EGM continue? I guess, it will happen as well.
All i wanna say is let this finish off by the EGM. I guess Datuk Wee do not wish to continue any comment prior to this EGM.
Even the During last time the MCA rift, Datuk Wee was in the Team B. Team B lost. Did team A member dislike Team B member? NO, Chan and Ong Ka Ting united all of us....Let us united the party that we all love. We need to do somethings.